I hire software engineers. Here are 6 steps to getting hired if you’re inexperienced.
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Congratulations! You met with a recruiter and you’re perfect for the role. But, that was only the first step. Your next step will be a technical interview given by smart developers. As an engineer, this is one of the more stressful parts of the hiring process (except waiting to hear back). Relax. Engineering managers know it’s stressful and we WANT you to do well.
A technical interview will usually start by asking about your background and experience. Depending on the role, you may only have a few years of work on your resume or maybe you’re right out of school with little-to-no experience.
But you made it to an interview so don’t worry if you’re “good enough” for the role. Instead, focus on your experience at school. Talk about past projects and contributions. It’s great if your team did a lot of cool things, but we also want to hear about your role. What did YOU do? How did YOU contribute? Engineering managers are looking for initiative, teamwork and if you can talk about code.
Did you study? Good! You know the difference between a stack and a queue. No, we don’t actually work with algorithms, but that’s not what the technical test is about. These tests are designed to see how you work. Your interviewer will ask you to solve a problem that has many answers. Let’s face it: there are some good engineers out there but how do you stand out? How do you do what the others can’t do? What makes your approach different, even if you don’t have enough experience?
Here are some tips on how to stand out...
1. Use active listening
When presented with a problem, repeat back the problem to your interviewer. Say, “let me repeat what I heard” or “if I understand the problem, it’s this...” You confirmed requirements. This is huge! You don’t understand how many projects go off the rails because of misunderstood requirements. Ask questions about those requirements. Be curious about details. Would you put it past an interviewer to leave out details on purpose? *shakes head no* Of course we leave stuff out. We want to see if you pick up on these missing details. This isn’t about tricking you. Projects can miss details in requirements. It can be challenging to turn the whole project around, a month later. Better to ask up front.
2. Talk through your solutions
Not only is it weird to have someone watch you code, it’s doubly weird for you to narrate while you code. This gives us a glimpse on your thought process and problem solving skills. We are looking to hear what you are considering. It sounds silly, but if you were to say “I could loop through this but I know there’s an easier way,” you’ve told us so much. If you’re quiet, we understand. Speaking up can be tough. Your technical interview does not hinge on whether you talk through your solution but it will make you stand out.
3. Leverage technology
With Covid cases still surging, chances are you will be interviewed online. In-person interviews can, at times, use a whiteboard but video calls may use digital whiteboards with crude drawing tools. Practice on a sheet of paper or art program.
Remember, grammar and spacing are not judged harshly. Tabs vs spaces and semicolons are not important while whiteboarding. Your job is to get your ideas across. Take advantage of this and abbreviate words. Use color names over hex codes.
4. Highlight teamwork
If you go astray in your code or find yourself stuck, don’t worry. You’ve unlocked another important step in the interview: teamwork. You may be asked, “what should be happening on line 5,” or “what do you think the function will return?” This is a hint. They know a few ways to answer the problem and want to see if they can get you to the solution. The hint is to see if you can be humble, take direction and jump-start your problem solving. Being stubborn can only get you so far. It’s OK to ask for help and leverage the tools you have such as other developers.
5. Ask for help
To Google, or not to Google, that is the question. Have you known a developer to code without searching online for an answer? Of course not. If you get stuck, it’s OK to ask if you can search for an answer. First, I would ask the interviewers for help, that’s what they’re there for. If you feel the need to search online, make sure it’s for supplemental support. If you say “I know it’s slice or splice but I need to check which one it is”, you will get positive responses. If you need to look up “how to build a todo app”, you’re going to have a bad time.
6. Retrace your work
As your final step, after completing your solution, work it out again. Go over it aloud with your interviewers. Confirm you have addressed all the requirements. It’s a great way to show you can complete a task. If you missed anything or you see room for improvement, it’s OK to talk about future plans. “If I had more time I would split this part out” or “I could add a new feature here”. This shows you are thinking about improvements and technical debt.
You got through it! You are so much more than an hour of whiteboarding. We know this too. We are looking not just for talent, but potential. Will you hit the ground running? Will you add value? If you didn’t pass, that’s our loss. Maybe we caught you on a bad day or the problem wasn't one you could solve. Don’t let this setback get you down. Keep studying. Practice interviewing with friends and family. There’s another opportunity out there waiting for you.